Some noisy toys may cause permanent hearing damage thru misuse. In a study in 2010, at the age of six, every 6 out of 6000 children have hearing loss. At the age of 16, the number goes up to every 200 out of 1000 or 20%.
The UC Irvine's Department of Otolaryngology research team went through two dozen popular toys and measured the noise levels (see list of toys below with db levels) it generated in a soundproof booth. They found that all the toys exceeded 90 decibels with some reaching 100 or more. This is comparable to the noise generated by a chain saw, subway train or power mower.
Otolaryngology is the branch of medicine and surgery that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, throat, and head and neck disorders. It is more commonly known as ENT (eyes, nose, and throat).
Researchers from UC Irvine's Department of Otolaryngology measured the noise levels of two dozen popular toys in stores and purchased the 10 loudest for precise gauging in a soundproof booth at UC Irvine Medical Center. They found that all exceeded 90 decibels and several reached 100 or more, equivalent to the noise of a chain saw, subway train or power mower.
"Generally, toys are safe if used properly," said Dr. Hamid Djalilian, associate professor of otolaryngology and director of neurotology and skull base surgery. "We tested the sound levels at the speaker and again at 12 inches, which is about the length of a toddler's arm. Children are very sensitive to loud and high-pitched sounds. Unfortunately, hearing loss from noise damage is permanent and not currently curable."
Video: Michele Michaels talks about noisy toys
The problems arise when the toy is held too close to the toddler's ears.
According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, unprotected exposure to sounds above 85 decibels for a prolonged period can lead to hearing impairment. Two factors contribute to this, Djalilian noted: loudness and duration. The louder a sound is, the less time it takes to cause hearing loss.
He suggested that someone buying a noisy toy for a child pay attention to the speaker's location – under the item is often better than on top. Djalilian also recommended that an adult hold the toy as a youngster would and listen to its sound. "If it hurts your ears," he said, "then it's probably too loud for a child."
Some of the toys tested are listed below. It must be noted that these toys are safe if used properly. Educating the kids on the proper use will greatly help in avoiding any potential damage.

Road Rippers Lightning Rods
Decibel level at the speaker: 108 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 68 db

Tonka Mighty Motorized Fire Truck
Decibel level at the speaker: 100 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 69 db

I Am T-Pain microphone
Decibel level at the speaker: 101 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 64 db

Marvel Super Shield Captain America
Decibel level at the speaker: 98 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 69 db

Whac-A-Mole game
Decibel level at the speaker: 95 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 69 db

Tapz electronic reflex game
Decibel level at the speaker: 95 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 65 db

Sesame Street Let's Rock Elmo
Decibel level at the speaker: 95 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 74 db

VTech Magical Learning Wand
Decibel level at the speaker: 94 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 69 db

Toy Story Buzz Lightyear Cosmic Blaster
Decibel level at the speaker: 93 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 60db

Green Lantern Colossal Cannon
Decibel level at the speaker: 92 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 67 db
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The UC Irvine's Department of Otolaryngology research team went through two dozen popular toys and measured the noise levels (see list of toys below with db levels) it generated in a soundproof booth. They found that all the toys exceeded 90 decibels with some reaching 100 or more. This is comparable to the noise generated by a chain saw, subway train or power mower.
Otolaryngology is the branch of medicine and surgery that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, throat, and head and neck disorders. It is more commonly known as ENT (eyes, nose, and throat).
Researchers from UC Irvine's Department of Otolaryngology measured the noise levels of two dozen popular toys in stores and purchased the 10 loudest for precise gauging in a soundproof booth at UC Irvine Medical Center. They found that all exceeded 90 decibels and several reached 100 or more, equivalent to the noise of a chain saw, subway train or power mower.
"Generally, toys are safe if used properly," said Dr. Hamid Djalilian, associate professor of otolaryngology and director of neurotology and skull base surgery. "We tested the sound levels at the speaker and again at 12 inches, which is about the length of a toddler's arm. Children are very sensitive to loud and high-pitched sounds. Unfortunately, hearing loss from noise damage is permanent and not currently curable."
Video: Michele Michaels talks about noisy toys
The problems arise when the toy is held too close to the toddler's ears.
According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, unprotected exposure to sounds above 85 decibels for a prolonged period can lead to hearing impairment. Two factors contribute to this, Djalilian noted: loudness and duration. The louder a sound is, the less time it takes to cause hearing loss.
He suggested that someone buying a noisy toy for a child pay attention to the speaker's location – under the item is often better than on top. Djalilian also recommended that an adult hold the toy as a youngster would and listen to its sound. "If it hurts your ears," he said, "then it's probably too loud for a child."
Some of the toys tested are listed below. It must be noted that these toys are safe if used properly. Educating the kids on the proper use will greatly help in avoiding any potential damage.

Road Rippers Lightning Rods
Decibel level at the speaker: 108 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 68 db

Tonka Mighty Motorized Fire Truck
Decibel level at the speaker: 100 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 69 db

I Am T-Pain microphone
Decibel level at the speaker: 101 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 64 db

Marvel Super Shield Captain America
Decibel level at the speaker: 98 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 69 db

Whac-A-Mole game
Decibel level at the speaker: 95 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 69 db

Tapz electronic reflex game
Decibel level at the speaker: 95 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 65 db

Sesame Street Let's Rock Elmo
Decibel level at the speaker: 95 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 74 db

VTech Magical Learning Wand
Decibel level at the speaker: 94 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 69 db

Toy Story Buzz Lightyear Cosmic Blaster
Decibel level at the speaker: 93 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 60db

Green Lantern Colossal Cannon
Decibel level at the speaker: 92 db
Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker: 67 db
About UC Irvine Medical Center: Orange County's only university hospital, UC Irvine Medical Center offers acute- and general-care services at its new, 482,000-square-foot UC Irvine Douglas Hospital and is home to the county's only Level I trauma center, American College of Surgeons-verified regional burn center and National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center. U.S. News & World Report has included UC Irvine for 11 consecutive years on its list of America's Best Hospitals, giving special recognition to its urology, gynecology, kidney disorders and cancer programs.
About the University of California, Irvine: Founded in 1965, UCI is a top-ranked university dedicated to research, scholarship and community service. Led by Chancellor Michael Drake since 2005, UCI is among the most dynamic campuses in the University of California system, with nearly 28,000 undergraduate and graduate students, 1,100 faculty and 9,000 staff. Orange County's largest employer, UCI contributes an annual economic impact of $4.2 billion. For more UCI news, visit
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